2024 Meridian Twizel Hard Labour Time Line
Note: The times advised below are preliminary and will be confirmed prior to the event dates. The event dates will not change.
MONDAY 10 JUNE 2024:
Online entry opens
Online registration closes at 9:00 pm.
Note: On the day late entries are subject to late entry fee and will not be accepted after event close times.
Collection of Registration pack and Race number at Twizel Event Centre 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Late entries accepted. Additional late entry fee applies.
Mt Cook Alpine Salmon Steve Skinner Canal Kayak:
Registration and scrutineering from 7:00 am
On the day late entries close 7:30 am
(Late entry fee applies)
Briefing 7:40 am
Race Start 8:00 am
Cut off time to complete course 11:00 am
Youth Labourer Kayak Lake Ruataniwha:
At Steve Skinner Canal Kayak Start
- Registration and scrutineering from 7:00 am
On the day late entries close 7:30 am
(Late entry fee applies)
Briefing at 7:50 am
Race Start 8:05 am
Cut off time to be off the Lake Ruataniwha 9:45 am
NOTE FOR ALL YOUTH KAYAKERS: Lake Ruataniwha is closed to power craft. Lake closures ends at 10:00 am and youth kayakers must be off the lake by the end of lake closure time. Youth Kayakers will have 60 minutes from the start to reach the 1km mark. Arriving after 60 minutes at the 1km mark, kayaker will be directed to the finish and not to continue the full course. Youth Kayakers who have not completed the course 90 minutes after the start time, will have their race ended and instructed to paddle to nearest land.
MacKenzie Four Square Dusky Mountain Bike:
Registration from 11:00 am
On the day late entries close 12:30 pm
(Late entry fee applies)
Briefing 12:45 pm
Dusky 40km start 1:00 pm
Mini Dusky start 1:05 pm
Dusky 16km start 1:15 pm
NOTE: For Dusky 40km, cut off time for Darts Bush turn off is 3:15 pm. All competitors arriving at and after 3:15pm will be redirected to follow the 16km course back to start/finish area.
All competitors expected to complete all MTB courses by 4:15 pm
Prizegiving at Ministry of Works, Twizel from 5:00 pm
Templeton Construction Pyramid Run and Walk:
Registration from 7:00am
On the day late entries close - 21 km walk 8:00 am
(Late entry fee applies)
On the day late entries close - All other walks and run 8:30 am
(Late entry fee applies)
21km walk briefing 8:15 am
21km walk start 8:30 am
All other briefings 8:45 am
21km Pyramid run start 9:00 am
10km Off road run and walk start 9:05 am
Mini pyramid start 9:05 am
All competitors expected to complete courses by 12:30 pm.
Prizegiving at Ministry of Works, Twizel 2:00 pm