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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in Bumrun Vancouver 2024

My Story…

Join me on Sunday, June 2nd (9am start) at Jericho Beach for a run/walk or social to create awareness in Vancouver about the rising rates of colorectal cancer in younger people 💙 Funds raised go to my advocacy group called Colorectal Cancer Resource & Action Network (CCRAN). They have helped me & others live longer by educating, supporting & advocating for patients. 

I was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in January 2021 and told chemotherapy for life which would be an average of 3 years. I have had 30 rounds of chemo so far and many procedures and surgeries (open lung surgeries & spine surgery last year) that were not “approved” for me because the cancer had spread to lungs and bones. I just had rib/lung surgery last month in Toronto with my thoracic surgeon thanks to CCRAN for telling me about this surgeon. Vancouver would not do this surgery for me to make me have No Evidence of Disease (NED). 

Being young and healthy I am thriving with these surgeries/procedures that Filomena at CCRAN help me advocate for. 

Let’s support organizations that truly help individuals like me and many others around Canada. 

I’m so thrilled this event is live in Vancouver this year!! We had a great turnout last year in North Vancouver and I hope we can create even more awareness this year. 

Thank you for donating to a cause that goes straight to the patient ❤️💙

Donate to help Jessica raise money for Bumrun Vancouver 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 30 Richard and Janis Koziol Go Jessica Go! We are all cheering for you. $107.72
May 29 Diane Hart $54.31
May 27 Jessica's Dad signed up as volunteer too Undisclosed amount
May 25 Amy Bonner Love you Jess! Sorry I can't make the run. $54.31
May 17 Mandy Lee Go Jess Go!!! I am always rooting for you!! You are an amazing inspiration and an incredible warrior!! Keep fighting!! $107.72
May 16 Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation Jessica, your story is an inspiration to us all !! $3,205.64
May 10 Patrice Woo Jessica, Cheering for you and thank you! Undisclosed amount
May 06 Hannelore Roos Wonderful work. It’s so encouraging to see this happening! In solidarity 💙🙌💙 $27.60
May 05 The Munns $54.31
May 01 Posnikoffs $107.72