Our story…
Please register to join the 5km run/walk at Jericho Beach on June 2nd. Kids register for free (little BumRun) & there is a little run just before the 9am start 💙 To have this event continue in the future we need people to show up!
Team Vancouver 💙🦋
💙 stands for CRC love & support
🦋 stands for the love ones that we have lost to this disease.
This team is for anyone who has cancer, is supporting a loved one, has lost a love one or wants to join to create awareness. Whatever the reason we want to hear from you. Register through the team or create your own fundraising page ❤️
Remembering the young lives that Vancouver has lost (these were my CRC friends that I connected with over the last 3 years). Please tell me the name of your love one & I can include them too.
We dedicate this run to Aimee, Laurie, Dragan, Mathew, Tania, Sandra, Joanne, Jordan 💙🦋 may you all be at peace.
CCRAN's Mission Statement
The Colorectal Cancer Resource & Action Network (CCRAN) is the most trusted colorectal cancer patient and caregiver network in Canada. We champion the health and the well-being of Canadians touched by colorectal cancer and others at risk of developing the disease by providing a "SEA" of services: Support, Education and Advocacy.
We increase awareness on the prevalence of colorectal cancer, including Canadians under 50 years of age and promote participation in screening programs to help prevent colorectal cancer. We provide evidence-based programming to help guide informed decision-making that may ulitmately reduce the burden of cancer in Canada.
We relentlessly advocate for equal and timely access to effective therapies to improve cancer patient outcomes by making Health Technology Assessment (HTA) patient evidence submissions across multiple tumour types on behalf of:
i. Patient advocacy groups who may not have the capacity to make these critically important submissions or
ii. Within therapeutic areas where there is no representative patient advocacy group
CCRAN is dedicated to improving the longevity and quality of life for all cancer patients in Canada.
This is CCRAN’s only fundraiser for the year. That’s why I (Jessica Dasler) have created The Vancouver Team to give the support back to CCRAN as the CEO of CCRAN (Filomena) has opened the doors for a lot of my treatment: even the 2 lung surgeries I had in Toronto. There are now eligible CRC stage 4 patients in Vancouver that are having the same surgery in Toronto all thanks to this organization who created awareness about it. Toronto also has access to the HAI Pump (this has been around for 30 years & still not in Vancouver, CCRAN is working on that too) and there is the live liver donor transplant program over there too which BC patients can access as well if the are eligible, it’s not offered in Vancouver for CRC patients. CCRAN shares all this information but Vancouver oncologists will not. Without CCRAN I would had struggle to advocate for the best treatment for me and be overwhelmed in the process. I would have not lived past the 3 years I was given.
Our medical system needs
organizations like CCRAN to help fill in
the gaps of the medical system.
Thank you for supporting a cause that goes straight to the patient 💙
Help us raise money for Bumrun / Colorectal Cancer Resource & Action Network
Team members
Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.
Jessica Dasler
Raised: $8,761.92
Team captain
Dena Doolan
Raised: $1,897.26
Caroline Ohlander
Raised: $1,725.32
Samantha Munns
Raised: $427.47
Henriette Angue
Raised: $257.08
Vera Dasler
Raised: $189.63
Kelly Willmott
Raised: $54.31
Steve Toews
Raised: $54.31
Claire Connolly
Raised: $0.00
Diane Dasler
Raised: $0.00
Ella-Louise Angue
Raised: $0.00
Emma Johannisson
Raised: $0.00
ISaac Toews
Raised: $0.00
Janice Chabros
Raised: $0.00
Jeff Toews
Raised: $0.00
Jenny Hippel
Raised: $0.00
Jordanne Toews
Raised: $0.00
Katie Connolly
Raised: $0.00
Leslie Watson
Raised: $0.00
Lucas Toews
Raised: $0.00
Lynn Morin
Raised: $0.00
Mark White
Raised: $0.00
Martin Skertchly
Raised: $0.00
Natalie Lipschultz
Raised: $0.00
Nicole Wallace
Raised: $0.00
Shannon Emery
Raised: $0.00
Sophia Connolly
Raised: $0.00
vadim mugerman
Raised: $0.00
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Nov 15 | Boundary bay mechanical- jordan hooper | $214.54 |
Nov 15 | Jessica Dasler | $107.72 |