About the Hendersonville Triathlon:
The ONLY sprint triathlon in Hendersonville, North Carolina is back again for it’s fifth year!
The race takes place at Patton Park in Hendersonville, NC. Patton Pool is operated by the YMCA of Western North Carolina in Hendersonville and Patton Park is operated by the City of Hendersonville. The event consists of a 400m pool swim, a 12.5 mile bike and a 5k run! The bike and run will use portions of the Oklawaha Greenway.
The Patton Park pool is a pristine, 50 meter pool, 8 lane pool, located in Hendersonville. Swimmers will have a pre-assigned wave start based on their estimated swim time submitted during registration. The fastest swimmers will be placed in the first wave, and the slowest swimmers will be in the last wave.
Within each wave, participants will self-organize into a line. We will not be assigning your specific spot in the line - just your wave number. Each swimmer will be given ample time before the next one starts, in an effort to reduce any passing or hold ups in the pool.
Swimmers start by jumping into the deep section of the pool, swimming down the first lane, then under the swim lane into the next lane. They will continue to swim down each lane in one direction by zig-zagging through the pool. Swimmers will exit on the opposite side of the pool to run out to transition. We expect swimmers to start with a large enough gap of time so that there is no contact between swimmers. (CLICK HERE FOR SWIM ROUTE)
The 12.5 bike course rolls through the quiet and beautiful Oklahawa Greenway in the City of Hendersonville, exits the Greenway and flows along a 'rolling' course through Henderson County countryside roads. Cyclists will return to the park by way of the Greenway and back to the transition zone. The bike route will follow the PINK arrows. (CLICK HERE FOR BIKE ROUTE)
The 5k run is FAST and for the most part-flat, except for one little dipper hill that you will crest before entering back to the park. The entire 5k run is on the quiet, shaded and beautiful Oklahawa Greenway in the City of Hendersonville. The section of the greenway used for this event will run towards Jackson Park. There will only be a short section where the bike/run overlap. The route is an out-and-back, lollipop course, with one 'self-service' water station at the halfway point. We do encourage you to bring your own fuel, nutrition and refreshments for this event. The run route will follow the YELLOW arrows. (CLICK HERE FOR RUN ROUTE)
Click here for the Event Hub Map
The course cutoff is 10:30am.
Please note: We will have photographers on the course, but we cannot guarantee photos of each participant.