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Sinai Health Foundation

Raise money for Sinai Health Foundation

Sinai Health is a specialized health care system and biomedical research institute, discovering and delivering life-changing care. 

The Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) is part of Sinai Health and is our engine of innovation. It is the top-ranked biomedical research institute in Canada. Our scientists are world leaders in the fields of diabetes, cancer and molecular biology. The discoveries happening here are shaping the future of care.

By running in the Constantine Yorkville Run in support of Sinai Health you are helping fuel groundbreaking research at the LTRI. Join us and dedicate your race to research!

Thank you for your support.



Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 14 Sheila Holmes CA$106.22
May 13 Severina Georgieva CA$106.22
May 12 Paul Kilbertus Best wishes Krista! CA$106.22
May 09 First Capital CA$100.00
May 09 Nadia Ieraci CA$100.00
May 09 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 26 Elizabeth Stephenson Go Krista and Team Sinai Diabetes! CA$265.54
Apr 26 Colleen Lamb Have a great race CA$26.56