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Help Daniel raise money

For participating in 2024 Constantine Yorkville Run

My Story…

This campaign began meeting Leslie Kulperger and hear the story of her son Myles, who succumbed to mental illness tragedy at age 14. 

Since then, Leslie has re-dedicated her life to improving the resources for child & youth mental health in our community. 

I was shocked to hear that Canada has the 3rd highest suicide rate among the youth; suicide is the 2ND leading cause of death for children & youth (aged 5 – 24). 

While I have yet to experience Leslie’s pain, I understand now how important of mental health. And as Leslie says “how many more calls to action must there be before we join together and say enough is enough?”

I am using my platform to raise money and awareness for Myles Ahead, an organization dedicated to ensuring children, youth and their families/caregivers have timely access to appropriate mental health services. Their ultimate goal is to stop child & youth suicide.

It is Year 7 and I am continuing my annual partnership with the Constantine Yorkville Run. This event continues to be THE largest community fundraising event in Bloor Yorkville and among the top in our city.

My personal passion for running aside, the connections I’ve made to all the local organizations I’ve supported over the years has been the greatest memories.

Donate to help Daniel raise money for 2024 Constantine Yorkville Run’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 16 Daniel + Jessica Carman CA$180.00