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Punch 4 Parkinson's

Raise money for Punch 4 Parkinson's

Punch 4 Parkinson’s (P4P) is a charitable organization focused on developing, implementing and funding non-combat boxing programs for those suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Research has shown that high-intensity exercise like boxing slows and oftentimes reverses the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms, and we’ve seen first-hand the remarkable physical and cognitive benefits.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 30 Betty Jones $109.85
May 29 Paul and Eileen Nemeskal Good luck with the run Mark!!💕 $55.35
May 29 The Goodhues Have a great run!!! $109.85
May 28 Denise Dwyer $55.35
May 25 Steve and Barbara Levine “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind always be at your back….” Undisclosed amount
May 25 Anonymous We have had our Dad suffer with and pass on due to Parkinsons. This is a great charity. Thank you for your effort. Undisclosed amount
May 25 Don & Dot Carroll Rich is right, our grandmother fought the fight and if we can help with newer treatments, we're all for it. Good luck to all the runners! $100.00
May 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 24 David Grace $55.35
May 24 Sharon Francis The best neighbor we ever had! Mr Jones was the best! Good luck Mark. $273.35