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Help Jamie raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Reason to Run

Hello Friends & Family!

I will be running The Falmouth Road Race for my first time in August 2024.  Back on My Feet empowers people to break free from the cycles of poverty, homelessness, and/or addiction through the power of fitness, community support, and employment resources. 

I am running in memory of my best friend/father, Joseph Lucian Franco, who passed away this past July 3, 2023 from heart complications due to alcohol addiction and mental illness.  I watched my Dad go from being a funny, supportive, charismatic, strong, successful businessman in our small town one year, to being homeless living in a car or a motel the next year.  I also will be running this with my brother, Jay, in my thoughts.  Jay passed away from suicide after a long battle with mental illness. This is a program that they would have greatly benefited from and supported.

I also run for many others who are fighting addiction and homelessness- whether it is themself or a loved one.

Thank you for your continued love and support on this journey.


Back on My Feet empowers people to break free from the cycles of poverty, homelessness, and/or addiction through the power of fitness, community support, and employment resources in 16 cities nationwide.

Transform lives by donating to my 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race fundraising campaign today!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 20 Nicole Frazier Bienia Undisclosed amount
Mar 20 Jennie Walsh You are amazing Jamie, you are going to crush this! $28.10
Mar 20 Bernadette Franco $28.10
Mar 20 Michelle Gorman $55.35
Mar 20 Brittany Franco Proud of you $50.00
Mar 20 Meg Liveten $55.35