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Help Rachel raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Very excited to be running the Falmouth Road Race for my third time, especially after taking a break from the race for a few years. What's even more exciting is that I will be running to support the Bishstrong Foundation charity! 

If you have the pleasure of knowing DJ Bishop you understand the dedication he puts in day in and day out. And now to have started his own nonprofit organization is truly incredible. The Bishstrong Foundation works to provide resources aimed at helping individuals with spinal cord injuries or limited mobility to become more independent and lead healthy fulfilling lifestyles.

For the past five years, DJ and my brother have competed in the duo division of the race. Each year, they seem to push each other harder and faster, truly making the most of the day. I'm thrilled to join them this year in the run (although they'll likely be much faster than me!). 

I encourage you  to checkout Bishstrong Foundation using the link below and please consider donating to this incredible foundation! #Bishstrong


Donate to help Rachel raise money for The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 23 Chris Murphy $27.48
Mar 22 Ciara Reed Go Rachel!!! $27.48
Mar 22 Paula Morin Good luck, you are such an inspiration $27.48
Mar 22 sally Feeney Let's GOOOOOO $200.00
Mar 22 BISHSTRONG BISHSTRONG Undisclosed amount
Mar 21 Captain Joe Let’s go DJ! Always the best day of summer! $54.10
Mar 01 Rachel Feeney $27.48