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Help Junjira raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

This August I have the privilege of running the Falmouth road race in support of Why Me & Sherry’s house. This will be my third year running for this incredible organization. Why Me is a grass roots non-profit organization dedicated to providing love and support services to families battling childhood cancer. Your support and donations are greatly appreciated!


Why Me is a Worcester based non-profit organization created to help Central New England families cope with childhood cancer. Why Me is not affiliated with any national organization. We offer all encompassing support services and programs, families find the tools and assistance needed to manage these changes. We offer family fun events, dinners, group outings, summer camp and other programs, support groups, logistical and financial support, staff visits whether at home, hospital or clinic.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 17 Sam Go junji $6.30