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Help Lisa raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Super excited this year to be running Falmouth Road Race again in August, and this year I will be on the  team for Why Me/Sherrys House .  For those of you who dont know, Why me/ Sherrys House is located in Worcester, Ma and provides love and support for families that have to go through a child having cancer.  They help them get through the worst of times.   This is for such a good cause and you can see all they do for the families on their webpage.  I d love it if you could help me reach my goal by any contribution amount!  Thank you for considering to donate to this wonderful cause and to help them continue to help families that are going through such a difficult time.  


Why Me is a Worcester based non-profit organization created to help Central New England families cope with childhood cancer. Why Me is not affiliated with any national organization. We offer all encompassing support services and programs, families find the tools and assistance needed to manage these changes. We offer family fun events, dinners, group outings, summer camp and other programs, support groups, logistical and financial support, staff visits whether at home, hospital or clinic.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 25 Michelle $10.00
Jul 24 Melissa Downing $55.35
Jul 19 GINA $28.10
Jul 18 Natasha Emco-Rollins $10.00
Jul 18 Stephanie Caramiello $22.65
Jul 17 SANDY MILNER $25.00
Jul 07 Tina Fitzgerald Good luck 🍀 Lisa $11.75
Jun 13 The Jankins Family Run fast! $55.35
Jun 13 Lisa Chesson Baker Good Luck and great organization! $50.00
Jun 13 Deb Paquette Go Lisa!! $28.10