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Help Camila raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Why I Run

In December 2022 I experienced my own maternal health crisis, which led to the death of my son at 9 days old. In the midst of our horrific tragedy, my eyes were opened to a world of parents who, like us, realized that maternal care is lacking both across our country and the world. 

My aim is to build awareness that maternal healthcare is currently dictated by access and cost; leading women who have high risk pregnancies to be faced with the choice of adequate care vs. affordability.

I am inspired to run to prevent horrible circumstances like ours from occurring to other mothers and their children. I am so thankful for the exceptional care that brought us our second son, Cameron. I run to ensure this type of care is accessible to all. In memory of our beautiful boy, Dawson, my goal is to raise $2,000 to progress equitable maternal care for all.


Please support my fundraising efforts for the ASICS Falmouth Road Race. Running is an important part of the Every Mother Counts outreach because distance is often the biggest barrier to pregnant women and their families getting the maternal health care they need.  With your help, we can make pregnancy and childbirth safe, equitable and respectful for every mother. No donation is too small! 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 10 Amanda and Colin Reed $55.35
Apr 10 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 09 Shannon and Perry Holcombe We love you mama! So proud of you! Love, the Holcombes $109.85
Apr 08 Meg & Paul $28.10
Apr 08 Melissa Goodenough $28.10
Apr 08 Bethany & Tory So proud of you, our little speedster! Kick butt out there! We love you little mommma 💗 $109.85
Apr 07 Rodeo & Co. Photography xoxo $55.35
Apr 07 Jamie Klatsky Undisclosed amount
Apr 07 Jordana Blitz $55.35
Apr 07 Hayley & Daniel Undisclosed amount