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Help Susan raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Why I am Racing for the Ocean

I jumped at the opportunity to run for WHOI's inaugural Race for the Oceans last year, and I'm coming back (like Rocky 2), setting new goals, with the same rationale. Oceans have been paramount in my family's WHOI connection, as well as thousands of others, truly in our world's very existence. A 38 day sea voyage cemented my concern and support for WHOI's dedication to all things sea science. Waiting for a breath of wind to break the blue jello sea surface in the horse latitudes, watching a sperm whale blow, an albatross soar, the green flash, the magellanic clouds over South Atlantic seas, these wonders support the need for more ocean research. I hope you will support generously as WHOI scientists and sailors chart their vital courses to our great benefit.

My connection to WHOI? My mom, Bobby Colburn (97, living in Sippewissett!) worked in one of the WHOI labs where she met my dad, Captain A.D. (Dick) Colburn Jr, who sailed for WHOI and was the last Master of WHOI's flagship RV Atlantis before she was sold to Argentina. (I toured her post refit, 2017, in Buenos Aires. Longest sailing oceanographic research vessel in the world). Dad sailed the rest of his WHOI career as Captain of the RV Asterias. My brother, A.D. Colburn 3rd was mate on the RV Knorr, finding the Titanic, and sailed as Captain of RV Atlantis, carrying Alvin and multiple researchers, worldwide. 

Those sea stories and connections stay with you. Wearing the classic WHOI hat has sparked conversations around the globe, in marathon running and steering whatever ships I can. That respected symbol has opened more bridges to me than I can count, and forged friendships across the globe. Last March I was bestowed the name of a little Ukrainian fish by the Ukrainian Captain of Explorer, after becoming an official Shellback. A treasured honor given by a mariner whose home is threatened but who sees the vital importance of the oceans that connect us all.

Running the Falmouth Road Race for WHOI is a thrill. Last year carrying a life ring decorated with WHOI logos brought lots of cheers of support.  Growing up in Falmouth, seeing Frank Shorter, Bill Rodgers, and Joan Benoit and all the other champions and regular folks running was inspiring and sparked years of running. This year please join me in generously supporting the important work that WHOI continues to do.

A bit more? I grew up in Sippewissett, searching for horseshoe crabs at Wood Neck, prowling the salt marshes below our home, and Courtney and Carolyn Bird's, where so many Falmouth runners celebrate after the race. Not a bad perspective, looking out over Sippewissett Marsh "little cove or little river" in Wampanoag. 

WHOI has seen that vital perspective too and continues to research near shore to deep sea and beyond. Thank you again for contributing!


Our Ocean. Our Planet. Our Future.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is a world-class community of researchers, engineers, technologists and students working together to find solutions to critical environmental challenges facing humanity and our ocean planet.

Our team of runners are also working together to support ocean research at WHOI. As we all join together to RACE FOR THE OCEAN, you help WHOI place big bets on science to accelerate the search for solutions to climate change, keep ocean habitats healthy and marine life thriving, and explore new possibilities for human lives and livelihoods.

By supporting me, you are also supporting solutions-based science by giving WHOI scientists and engineers the flexibility they need to identify and pursue critical research priorities in a changing ocean. Together, we can create an ocean of possibilities!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 19 Mimi Kirsch Congratulations Sue! Have fun running for such an important cause with such an amazing family connection!✨ $109.85
May 06 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 30 Anonymous Yay Sue. Keep going! $50.00
Apr 29 Marti Kerton Go get 'em Sue!!! Undisclosed amount
Apr 27 Patrick & Susan Dunn Go, Susan! The oceans need your help! $109.85
Apr 27 Mark Hanna Go Sue! Undisclosed amount
Apr 27 Two Bears Sue your commitment to life is simply marvelous and a road map for all of us. Love ❤️ Sally & Mort $273.35
Apr 27 Jim & Susan Raymond Sue, you never stop running! Proud of our friend! Undisclosed amount
Apr 27 Sue Tong As a daughter of a sea captain, Captain Arthur R. Sadow, I am inspired to support the mission of WHOI. Thanks, Sue Nevler! $109.85
Apr 26 Windcliff Plants Go Sue. Thanks for all that you do!!! $55.35