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Help Caroline raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story

This August I will be running the Falmouth Road Race in support of Cape Wellness Collaborative (CWC). CWC provides access to free integrative wellness therapies to anyone on Cape Cod & the Islands facing cancer. 

This will be the first road race I’ve participated in since being diagnosed with metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer in December 2020. I last ran the Falmouth Road Race nearly 10 years ago in 2015. At the time, a 7-mile race was just another run. It wasn’t until after my diagnosis that I began to doubt my body and what it was capable of. 

I learned of CWC earlier this year by happenstance. I had been looking for a local provider to help with chronic pain and tightness I’d been experiencing as a result of the lymph node dissection I underwent in June 2021. I applied for membership and thanks to the organization's incredible generosity I have been receiving regular manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) free of charge since then, which has significantly improved my quality of life. I hope to raise as many funds as possible so others like me can continue to benefit from CWC’s incredible mission.

Thanks so much for your support!


CWC provides free of charge integrative therapies, nutritious meals, and emotional support for people facing cancer on Cape Cod and their caregivers.

Integrative care includes massage, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, yoga, art therapy and more.  All of these modalities provide significant relief from the side effects of cancer and its treatment.   Integrative care is not typically covered by insurance, which means many people cannot afford it while undergoing cancer treatment and facing a loss of work.   

CWC partners directly with local practitioners who provide these services and we cover the cost. 

Our model makes integrative care accessible:  the practitioners are in your neighborhood, and the cost is covered.   We serve over 600 people living with cancer each year.   Our goal is to help people feel better, better tolerate treatment, and recover faster after treatment. 

Thank you to all who have donated so far!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 22 Caro’s Friend 💛 You can do it, Caro!! Slow and steady wins the race. $100.00
Jun 22 Josie Amendola $100.00
Jun 21 Dave & Sarah You got this girl! Just set yourself up with a good DMB playlist and you will kill it! Miss you so much $109.85
Jun 21 Josie & Will You are our hero auntie Aroline!!!! $250.00
Jun 21 Friends' donation Good luck Caroline. Love, The Garritys $55.35
Jun 21 Angela Wilk Undisclosed amount
Jun 21 Megan Wyrtzen Caroline, you’re a beacon of strength. Go get it. Super proud to call you a friend! $28.10
Jun 21 Jill, Dave & Pete $109.85
Jun 21 Samantha 💕💕💕 Undisclosed amount
Jun 21 Rosi Go Caroline!!! xo ~Rosi~ $109.85