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Help Hannah raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Hello friends and family!!! 

This year I will be running with Lupus Foundation New England for the Falmouth Road Race!! Lupus affects 1.5 million Americans, and there are estimated to be 16,000 new cases each year! Someone very close and dear to my heart has been affected by lupus for the past 5 years! Every day this person shows me they are a warrior up for a fight! Some days are harder than others but they never stop fighting just like every other warrior!! Thank you so much for visiting my page and supporting me!!! Let’s go team Lupus Foundation New England!!!! 




The mission of the Lupus Foundation is to educate and support people with lupus, promote awareness and fund scientific research that will lead to better treatments and ultimately a cure.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 22 Peter Strano $109.85
Apr 22 Linda Manco Great cause Hannah❤️ $109.85
Apr 21 Mom Soooo proud of you!! $109.85
Apr 21 Bubby and Uncle Steve Woo! Go Hannah!!! $55.35