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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Why I am Racing for the Ocean

This year, I am running the Falmouth Road Race with Team WHOI in an effort to raise money for oceanographic research. As a former lifeguard and swim instructor for the Falmouth Public Beaches, the health of our oceans and marine life have been a concern of mine throughout my youth and beyond. I am thrilled to be raising money for an organization that supports ocean research, technology and education. Thank you so much for your contribution!


Our Ocean. Our Planet. Our Future.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is a world-class community of researchers, engineers, technologists and students working together to find solutions to critical environmental challenges facing humanity and our ocean planet.

Our team of runners are also working together to support ocean research at WHOI. As we all join together to RACE FOR THE OCEAN, you help WHOI place big bets on science to accelerate the search for solutions to climate change, keep ocean habitats healthy and marine life thriving, and explore new possibilities for human lives and livelihoods.

By supporting me, you are also supporting solutions-based science by giving WHOI scientists and engineers the flexibility they need to identify and pursue critical research priorities in a changing ocean. Together, we can create an ocean of possibilities!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 07 Mary LaVoie Go Jess…xoxo $28.10
Jul 07 Stephanie Johnson Hi Jessica ! A cause so close to my ocean heart ! Go girl !! $55.35
Jul 07 Joe and Ellen Moran Good luck $10.00
Jul 07 Mom & Jimmy So proud of you! Running in your hometown for the good of our planet, you are awesome! ❤️ $109.85
Jul 07 Nana and Grandpa So so proud of you Jessie $273.35
Apr 20 Jessica Finnegan $5.00