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Help Emily raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…


"Hey Peach! Just wanted to say, 'I love you!' Our mothers are going crazy right now. So, I don't know. I love you so much. Give me a call back!"

I miss those voicemails. I miss her wild tales. I miss how she called me her Peach. 

I miss Steph. 

A lot.

I told Steph's mom, my Auntie Charlene, I think of Stephanie every single day. Sometimes I'm sad but most of the time I smile because she was my favorite person.


A lots happened this year I wish Steph could see! 

I marked a year in the condo I bought, which she would have loved and obviously would've decorated!


I got engaged to the man of my dreams! I tell him often how Stephanie would've loved him! They're both Francophiles with a taste for luxury! Qui qui, mon amour! 


And I ran the Boston Marathon. I know she would've been the loudest cheer and tightest hug as I crossed the finish line! 


Boston was cool! It was amazing, one of the best things I've ever done! 

But it will never be Falmouth.

It will never mean to me what Falmouth does.


The Falmouth Road Race is synonymous with Stephanie. 

Her wild tales walking 100 miles to get to the finish line and her calls in the weeks leading up, wishing me well.

I miss her everyday. But when I run Falmouth, I always smile because I know Steph is right there with me.


Thank you to every single person who has supported me over the years! This marks my sixth Falmouth Road Race running for Stephanie and the New England Lupus Foundation!

I am beyond grateful for all your support over the years and for all the support earlier this year during Boston! 

It is an honor to keep running for Steph and to find a cure! 

I love you, my Peach! See you at the Finish Line! 



The mission of the Lupus Foundation is to educate and support people with lupus, promote awareness and fund scientific research that will lead to better treatments and ultimately a cure.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 22 Heather & Scott Flatto Undisclosed amount
Jul 20 Corry Ostmeier Thank you Emily for doing this, I think of Stephanie every day and hope to reunite with her in Heaven $55.35
Jul 19 Ashley N Good Luck Em! $28.10
Jul 15 Carol Duffy Deady $55.35
Jul 15 Megan Cloutier $109.85
Jul 14 Mark Bouchard $164.35
Jul 14 Joan Pinson Burke $28.10
Jul 14 Charlene I love you so much Emily❤️ $109.85
Jul 14 Emily Maher $109.85