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Help Eric raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Prior to starting running, if you had told me every summer I would run a 7-mile race, I would have told you there would be a better chance of me visiting Mars. This will be my third year running this race.

I started running two years ago, fresh out of the COVID worldwide shutdown. I was the heaviest and most out of shape I have ever been, which is really saying something. I was challenged to run a 5K (after dismally failing at one the prior season) and the running bug took a hold of me this time!

I had always wanted to run the Falmouth Road Race so when I found out that a dear friend working at PRF had an extra spot to run, I quickly jumped at the chance. In truth, I knew very little about Progeria at that point, but absolutely wanted to do some research on any cause I was running 7 miles for. Let's just say running 7 miles is a challenge, but nowhere near the challenge a child suffering from Progeria faces every day.

I highly encourage you to read a bit about Progeria and all the strides (see what I did there?) the Progeria Research Foundation is making in its battle against Progeria! I would highly appreciate a donation to help with my fundraising effort to support this great cause for those that are able to help.

For me, running this event for PRF is both an honor and a privilege. Thank you for your support!

Donate to help Eric raise money for The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 21 Stacy Horgan $22.65
Jun 07 Craig and Kate Let's go Eric and Team PRF! $55.35
May 11 Donation Have a great run Eric! We love you! Aunt Liz and Uncle Greg $55.35
May 07 Dorothy Kangas Persevere in the training! Just think 1 mile extra per week on those long runs and you'll be fit as a fiddle in no time! $55.35
May 01 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 01 Love, John and Karen Go Eric! $218.85
May 01 Tim Bowe - Full Spectrum Run, Eric, Run. Good luck! $109.85
Apr 26 Full Spectrum Software Go Matt! Hope you have a cool day for the race $545.85
Apr 24 Eric Kappotis Go Team PRF! $109.85