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Help Britny raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

It's hard to believe its been 10 years since I lost my dear friend, Sam Berns, to Progeria, a rare genetic disease. Sam was (and continues to be) an inspiration to anyone who crossed paths with him. I had the privilege of calling him a close friend and knowing the smart, funny, special person he is. Whether it was being dates to the FHS sophomore semi, school, friend hangouts, or band trips, I will cherish those memories with Sam forever.

This year I am excited to run the Falmouth Road Race on the Progeria team in honor of Sam! I am always in awe of the work and research of the Progeria Research Foundation, and can't think of a better cause to support. Together we can make a difference to spread awareness of the disease and find a cure!

Thank you for your support <3



Donate to help Britny raise money for The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 30 Lindsey Cunniff Go Britny!! Such an awesome way to honor Sam! $55.35
Apr 28 Jen Savard Undisclosed amount
Apr 27 Steph and Mike So proud of you britny!! $164.35
Apr 27 Pat Wrenn Good luck, Britny! Great cause! Undisclosed amount
Apr 27 Julia Murphy $55.35
Apr 27 Julia Broccoli You are amazing $28.10
Apr 27 Britny Andersen Undisclosed amount