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Help Abigail raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


Hi friends & family, 

I am very excited to run the Falmouth Road Race this August for the ALS ONE team.  

As some of you know, my dad was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) in March. 

ALS is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease.  It affects a person's ability to control the muscles that are needed to move, speak, eat and breathe.  There is no known cure; however:

ALS is not an incurable disease.  It is an underfunded one. 

My dad and I have run the Falmouth Road Race twice together.  I am hopeful that the ALS ONE team will raise enough funds to go towards research to find a cure so that my dad can run this race with me again. 

Thank you for your consideration! 



Thank you for visiting my fundraising page for the 2024 Falmouth Road Race - supporting ALS research & care for ALS ONE.

Your support means the world to me and to all of us and will help to advance critical research at MGH, UMass Medical School, and ALS TDI, while providing essential equipment such as lifts, ramps, wheelchairs and assistive technology devices to individuals currently living with ALS via our care team at Compassionate Care ALS - all incredible partners that make up ALS ONE.  

Your  donation is fully tax-deductible, as ALS ONE is a 501c3 non-profit organization (EIN #47-4984263).

To learn more about ALS ONE, visit their website at:

A big THANK YOU to all who have donated so far!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 02 Joanne and Jim Sending you so much love, Abby! We will be there to cheer you on. $109.85
May 02 Rob & Lauren Belliveau We love you Steve! $109.85
May 02 Eric and Desiree Love you guys! $44.45
May 02 Lindsay Turner ❤️❤️❤️ $109.85
May 02 Richard & Marissa Love you guys 💚 $55.35
May 02 Wollenhaupt Family Undisclosed amount
May 02 Courtney M Wishing you and the family all the best $55.35
May 01 Scott M. Gallagher 🫶🏼🫂 $55.35
May 01 Kristen Perry I love you all! $11.75
May 01 Emily Love you ❤️ Undisclosed amount