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Help Caroline raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

I am so excited to be running the Falmouth Road Race this year with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, an incredible organization dedicated to granting wishes of children with critical illnesses. With your help we can create an unforgettable experience for children who need it most. 

My personal goal is to raise $1,500 to help these brave children. Each donation, no matter the size, will bring us one step closer to making a significant impact in their lives. 

Thank you 



Together, we create life-changing wish experiences for children with critical illnesses. Every year, approximately 500 Massachusetts and Rhode Island children are newly diagnosed with a serious illness and newly eligible for a wish. Our ultimate goal is to grant wishes for every medically eligible child in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.    

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 29 The McDermotts Good luck Caroline. You got this❤️ $109.85
Jul 19 Brussard So proud of you, Caroline❤️ $109.85
Jun 07 dan brosseau good luck Caroline ! $109.85
Jun 06 Danny & Kerry Sullivan Good luck Caroline! $109.85
Jun 05 Samantha Brussard $109.85
Jun 04 Cenci Family Proud of you xoxo $55.35
Jun 04 Liz & Kat Millett $28.10
Jun 04 Jen Boudette You’ve got this Caroline!! ❤️❤️ Undisclosed amount