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Help Maxwell raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

I am running the Falmouth Road Race in support of the Mental Health Collaborative. Help support the Mental Health Collaborative by donating here! 


We believe that with education and awareness, we can work together to decrease stigma and open the door to conversations about mental illness. Our mission is to build informed, resilient communities through education and awareness. We hope to improve mental health literacy in as many communities as we can.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 25 William Pfingston/Grandfather I'm proud of you Max. $1,090.85
May 24 EM Duggan Good luck pal and thank you for running the race to help people! Len $1,090.85
May 23 Ian Thompson Crush it $28.10
May 23 Paul Manning Run Forrest! $109.85
May 23 Anonymous LFG $6.30
May 23 Liana Aspinwall Good luck man! $28.10
May 23 Mikaela Weinstein So proud of you💙 go max!! $28.10
May 22 Adam Feeney $11.75
May 22 Anonymous Kick ass brotha 🤙 $109.85
May 22 Julia Higgins Run faster than Ben Undisclosed amount