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Help Luzdaris raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Stride for Stride is a non-profit running organization that buys race bibs for immigrant, BIPOC, and low-income runners - our goal is to make races more accessible and more diverse. 

Stride for Stride launched in November 2018 and since then we’ve grown to a team of 400 runners from 27 countries; Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Jamaica, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Taiwan, Morocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, India, Turkey, and the U.S.

Donate to help Luzdaris raise money for The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 05 Anonymous Maria vieira $109.85
May 29 Deisy $218.85
May 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 29 Rita Undisclosed amount
May 24 Lina Pulgarin $11.75