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Help paul raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

I'm running the Falmouth Road Race to END ALZ!

Please support Team Coakley - Run for ALZ and Alice!

Once again, Lulu and Paul, will be running this year's Falmouth Road Race to raise awareness and funds to support Alzheimer's research on behalf of the Alzheimer's Association (MA/NH Chapter).  We are excited that our daughter Mary Lou will be running and fundraising alongside us. Over the past 5 years, through the incredible generosity of family and friends, we have raised nearly 50K for this important cause.

We run in memory of my mother Alice Coakley who battled Alzheimer's/Dementia for the last 9 years of her life.  Despite the limitations of this awful disease, Alice never lost her zest for life and her sweet disposition . Our family was blessed to have her smiling face in our lives until the age of 91.

We run not just for Alice, but for all those who suffer from dementia, as well as the countless caregivers, nurses, doctors, and researchers who work tirelessly to serve those impacted by ALZ.  We are hopeful that progress continues towards finding a cure for this disease.

We are late to the game in terms of fundraising this year (the race is August 18), so we hope you all will consider a donation to this worthy cause.  We appreciate any and all support!

Happy Summer to all!


Paul, Lulu, and Mary Lou Coakley66b2c3e2911a3.jpeg66b2c4064b0f3.jpeg


Team End ALZ is raising vital awareness and funding to support local families and individuals facing Alzheimer's and dementia while funding research for treatments and a cure. We run to honor and remember. We run for the first survivor. Please donate today!

The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. Our vision: A world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia.

To learn more about the Alzheimer's Association please visit or call the 24/7 helpline: 800.272.3900.


Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 09 Foles GO TEAM COAKLEY !!!! $109.85
Aug 08 Emma Good luck guys!! 🩷🫡 $25.00
Aug 08 Barrow Family Go Coakley Team! $109.85
Aug 08 Ines $22.65
Aug 08 Lindsay Riordan Go ML and fam! So proud of you💗🙌🏻 $22.65
Aug 08 Mattea Leone So proud of you ML!! Good luck! $28.10
Aug 08 Schwarz Family Go LuLu, Paul and Mary Lou!!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 08 Makayla Doherty Good Luck Coakley’s!!💜💜 $55.35
Aug 08 The von Halle Family $55.35
Aug 08 Anonymous Good luck Lulu, Paul and Mary Lou. What a great accomplishment. You are all awesome. Undisclosed amount