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Help Christopher raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

I am happy to say that on August 18th I am running the Falmouth Road race in partner with the ConfiKids organization. ConfiKids is a charitable non-profit organization that focuses on helping kids with financial needs participate in activities they might not be able to otherwise. Part of what they do is help kids participate in afterschool sports and other activities. As someone who was a member of the Track and Cross Country team for four years I know just how important these activities are in a kid's life. 

I hope that I can reach my goal of $2,000!


Founded in 2017, ConfiKids, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that addresses the need for all children, regardless of financial limitations, to enroll in enrichment, recreational, sports, and arts programming. Programs that engage children and teach them a new talent or help to advance their ability in a skill they already possess create an environment for children to form friendships on mutual interests, adds to a child’s well-being on countless levels, and most importantly at our core builds a child’s self-confidence. 

We believe every child should have the opportunity to thrive regardless of the ability to pay for the extracurricular program that suits them. ConfiKids works directly with parents, guardians, educators, coaches, and mentors who apply for children to receive financial support to participate in such activities. Children grades 1-8, residing in Barnstable, Plymouth, Norfolk or Bristol county, who qualify may apply for funding.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 26 Anonymous Good luck $28.10
Jul 25 Stone Family Undisclosed amount
Jul 23 Anonymous $28.10
Jun 16 Christopher Proulx $28.10