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Help Michael raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support CCALS!

This year I will be running the Falmouth Road Race for the first time and I am excited to be fundraising and completing the race as part of the Compassionate Care ALS team. In 2022, my mother was diagnosed with ALS, and throughout these past few years, CCALS has helped my family in more ways than one. They have helped make our house more accessible for my mother as her mobility has declined; helped transport her to and from doctor's appointments; answered any questions we have had and provided so much support for us. Based out of Falmouth, this organization was founded to provide aid to those affected by ALS and the support system around them. This is not only on the South Shore, but in New England, the rest of the country, and even internationally. There have even been times that we have called them in the morning with questions/concerns and they have been at our house a few hours later with multiple solutions. They have been a blessing to my family and I know there are so many other's that have benefitted from the work this organization does. 

I appreciate the time you took to read this and I would also appreciate if you considered donating to this wonderful organization to help them continue to do the amazing work that has helped my family these past few years and everyone that has been and will be aided by Compassion Care ALS.


CCALS offers an innovative and holistic range of services tailored to meet the needs of individuals with ALS and their families. The services we offer are typically not covered by insurance. CCALS works with families in New England, across the United States, and internationally. The organization provides resources including equipment, educational workshops, Medicaid assistance, guidance and awareness in living with ALS, caregiving, and end-of-life issues.  All funds raised through the Falmouth Road Race go directly to assisting families with ALS.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 25 Laura DePalma $333.33
Jul 25 Jane Becker Such a great cause for a wonderful Mom! $109.85
Jul 24 Susan Maffei $55.35
Jul 24 Debbie Delorge Cheering you on Michael!!! $273.35
Jul 24 Julia Roy Sending my best to the Corbett fam❤️ Go Michael!! $55.35
Jul 24 Anonymous $28.10
Jul 24 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 24 Anonymous Blessings to all of you! $55.35
Jul 24 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 24 Karen allen Good Luck $109.85