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Help Lisa raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

If you know us at all, you know we're always running, whether it's for fun or work! PLEASE help us as we run for an amazing cause this time!! WHY ME, SHERRY'S HOUSE is a grass roots 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to providing emotional and financial support services to families with childhood cancer. The people who work and volunteer here are such a loving, kind and compassionate group that we are excited to be able to help even jut this little bit by raising money for this amazing organization, Why Me, Sherry's House. If you can help at all, every penny counts to these kids and their families, thank you!!! WHYMESHERRYSHOUSE


Why Me is a Worcester based non-profit organization created to help Central New England families cope with childhood cancer. Why Me is not affiliated with any national organization. We offer all encompassing support services and programs, families find the tools and assistance needed to manage these changes. We offer family fun events, dinners, group outings, summer camp and other programs, support groups, logistical and financial support, staff visits whether at home, hospital or clinic.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 10 Bud & Marie Go Team Barron!!! $109.85
Aug 10 Dasilva family $55.35
Aug 10 Haglund Family $28.10
Jul 31 Eykman Family $103.00
Jul 28 Willow Hayes Have an awesome run! 🏃 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ $55.35
Jul 25 Vicky Berg Good luck❤ $55.35
Jul 24 Rich and Kelly Amazing 🤩 $109.85
Jul 24 The Murzyckis $55.35
Jul 23 The Grater Family Thank you Barron family for running for such a great cause! $55.35
Jul 23 Denise Arsenault Have a great run $55.35