My Story…
In August, we will hit our one year wishversary. Swaggy's Wish experience was one of the most though out, epic, memorable moments of our lives. Make-a-wish and the Savannah Bananas treated Swaggy and the ENTIRE Lane train like royalty. We are so thankful for all the volunteers and donors that gave us the experience. Miles and Brian will be running Falmouth Road Race to benefit MAW Ma & RI - our goal is to bring as many wishes as possible to fruition.
Together, we create life-changing wish experiences for children with critical illnesses. Every year, approximately 500 Massachusetts and Rhode Island children are newly diagnosed with a serious illness and newly eligible for a wish. Our ultimate goal is to grant wishes for every medically eligible child in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Jul 12 | Adanna Walker | $55.35 |
Jul 12 | Serpis family | $25.00 |
Jul 11 | Katy Hunt | $28.10 |
Jul 11 | Perkins family | $55.35 |
Jul 11 | Murray Family | Undisclosed amount |
Jul 11 | Bates, Jeff and Chancey | $55.35 |
Jul 11 | Katelyn Scammon | $55.35 |
Jul 11 | Katrina Robinson | $28.10 |
Jul 11 | The Bourque family | $55.35 |
Jul 11 | RaeRae | $55.35 |