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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


Founded in 1987, The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a member-supported non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration, protection, and sustainable use and enjoyment of Buzzards Bay and its watershed.  

By donating to a runner, you’re helping to protect our local waters by investing in the Coalition’s mission-critical work to improve the health of the Bay ecosystem for all through scientific research, land protection, advocacy, and fostering outdoor exploration. 

With more than 12,000 members, hundreds of volunteers, and participants of all ages enjoying our no or low-cost outdoor exploration programs, the Buzzards Bay Coalition is grateful for the partnership of those who support our mission - including our Team Falmouth Road Race runners! 

To learn more visit:


Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 25 Langdon Allen Thanks, Tony, for all you do! Have a good run! $109.85
May 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 24 Tally Garfield You’ll run faster if you shave!! 😂 Undisclosed amount
May 24 Geoff Sullivan Good Luck Tony. $55.35
May 24 Deb and Michael Love all you do for BBC, Tony! Good luck with the race! $55.35
May 23 Anonymous 🍀 Undisclosed amount
May 23 Judee Walman Go Rachel! Thank you for raising money for such a worthy cause! $109.85
May 15 Anonymous Happy Birthday Umed and Anand! Go Team Maru! Undisclosed amount
May 13 Fidelity Charitable $200.00
May 13 Karen For Duncan and Sheela Maru. Good Luck. $218.85