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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

Thank you to our 20 Team Campus School members who are running the Falmouth Road Race on behalf of our Campus School students on Sunday, August 18th! Each team member has set a $1000 fundraising goal and we have a lofty $25,000 overall goal. 

This year, the funds raised by Team Campus School will be directed towards refreshing two crucial areas within our Campus School environment.

Firstly, our front lobby furniture and decor has faithfully served us for over two decades. This is where students enjoy our interactive bubble tube, prospective students and their families get their first glimpse of our school, and visitors await tours and meetings. 

Secondly, our school resource room serves as the meeting space for IEP and parent meetings, both in-person and virtually. The current furniture and display screen for virtual meetings are severely lacking and in need of replacement. 

Investing in new furniture for these spaces will not only elevate the aesthetics but also bolster our recruitment efforts and instill a sense of pride among our students and staff.

Please consider supporting our incredible team members by giving generously. For additional information on Campus School at Boston College, please visit our website:


Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 26 Lauren St. John Go Fran!! 🏃🏻 $22.65
Jul 26 Aidan Said GO FRAN $6.30
Jul 26 Maggie Hynes you rock Fran!!! $28.10
Jul 26 Courtney & DTM Go, Fran, gooooo! $55.35
Jul 26 LinkedIn Social Impact Gives $500.00
Jul 25 Jess van Hoff Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Suzanne Ward So proud of you Brody! Love that you are committed to making a positive difference in this world! $109.85
Jul 25 Jenna $11.75
Jul 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Tyler $11.75