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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

The Center for Applied Behavioral Instruction (CABI) is a private day school providing individualized educational and behavioral programming for students with Autism. Our comprehensive and intensive educational and behavioral instruction is delivered by highly trained and well supervised professionals. 

CABI currently serves over 100 students at our Greenwood Street location in Worcester, MA. Over the next year, we will be experiencing even more growth! First, we are expanding to an additional site in Worcester to further support our transitional-age students as they work toward joining the job force and continue to work on community-based skills. We are also expanding our CABI Core program, providing additional in-home and center-based services to our students with another center opening in Bolton, MA. 

CABI strives to provide the best behavioral and academic programming for our students. We promote a collaborative team approach between the students, families, and school team. 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 17 Mike Young Steve, just finish ahead of Doyle! $273.35
Aug 17 Anonymous X o I love you!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 17 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 17 Susanne Austin Go Dira!!! $109.85
Aug 16 mary duclos Wishing you a Fabulous 50th and thank you for the 50 wonderful things you have done for your special kids and Aunt Jean. Luv U Aunt Mary $55.35
Aug 16 The Austin Family Go Melissa!! $28.10
Aug 16 Holly and Sean Good Luck Melissa! $28.10
Aug 14 Jeffrey Gerardi $72.79
Aug 14 Meg, George, Molly and Tommy Wishing you lots of luck! 🍀 Have a great race! $55.35
Aug 12 Lynn Rodriguez Love seeing Marc entering High School!!!! $33.55