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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

Ellie Fund will support over 2,000 breast cancer patients in 2024, by providing  non-medical services - at no charge to the patient - to help relieve some of the pressure and allow them to focus on what matters most: family, healing & recovery.  

Overall in 2023, Ellie Fund served 31% more patients than in 2022.  In 28 years, Ellie Fund has never turned away a patient who meets our simple criteria of undergoing active treatment in Massachusetts.  And with your continued support, we will always be able to say "YES". 

Services provided include Prepared & Delivered Meals, Housekeeping, Childcare, Transportation to appointments, Gas &/or grocery gift cards and integrated therapies like Oncology Massage and Acupuncture.  There are over 7,000 breast cancer diagnoses in Massachusetts annually.  With your generosity, Ellie Fund will be able to reach more patients and their families.


Ellie Fund is a registered 501(c)(3), focused on building healthy communities by providing essential support services - free of charge - to breast cancer patients while they are undergoing treatment.  Ellie Fund services - including grocery assistance, prepared & delivered meals, transportation to appointments, childcare, housekeeping, integrative therapies, and other personalized services - are designed to relieve a patient’s financial and emotional burdens during costly and debilitating treatment, to promote treatment adherence and a chance at the best possible health outcome. 


Uniquely, Ellie Fund partners with our patients on a monthly basis - for up to six months - helping them cope in the face of scary unknowns, and budget amid increased bills and reduced income. By meeting a patient’s daily non-medical needs, Ellie Fund achieves our mission to alleviate stress during breast cancer treatment, allowing patients to focus on what matters most: family, healing, and getting back on their feet.           


Nearly 60% of patients report household incomes below $50,000, and 38% earn less than $25,000 annually, even before they experience the financial toxicity of breast cancer.    Ellie Fund has served 30% more breast cancer patients from year to year since 2021, to meet rapidly growing needs in the aftermath of delayed mammograms caused by the pandemic.   In 2024, Ellie Fund aims to reach 2,000 patients - almost one-third of the nearly 7,000 of the annually diagnosed breast cancer patients in Massachusetts.  100% of all Team Ellie fundraising from the Falmouth Road Race will go toward patients’ services.   Your generosity is appreciated so very much!

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 18 Michael Lear Good luck! $109.85
Aug 18 Karen Pimental This is a cause that is important to me too! The Ellie Fund helped me when I was going though my treatment! Undisclosed amount
Aug 18 Laurel & Erik Britt-Webb Way to go, Jeff. Always inspired by your "young at heart" mindset and generosity! $109.85
Aug 18 Sheridan Family Thanks for remembering Peggy with this run. Hope you had a great time! $327.85
Aug 18 Jerry, Cassidy and Cameron Great job girls! $22.65
Aug 18 Carrie So proud of you both; what an accomplishment 💕 $109.85
Aug 18 Anonymous I love you. Great job! $55.35
Aug 18 Kaitlyn & Paul So proud of you girls! Way to go! $109.85
Aug 18 Jeanne & Rick Good luck!! $50.00
Aug 18 Shannon and Tom Kane Thank you for running for this great cause in loving memory of your aunt Kathy! $109.85