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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

The Matt Brown Foundation is thrilled to be involved in the Numbers For Nonprofits Program again this year. Our team will be running and raising money for individuals with spinal cord injuries and those battling paralysis.

Each year, it is estimated that that almost 18,000 new spinal cord injuries occur in the United States alone. When an injury like this happens, individuals are left unable to function as they did before and forced to navigate this new world in front of them. These injuries can take a toll on the family as well as costs can exceed $1 million in that first year. 

Since launching in 2020, the Matt Brown Foundation has granted over $200,000 to individuals and families battling paralysis in the forms of handicap accessible vans, home renovations, bathroom renovations, and pieces of equipment for the individual to use in the comfort of their home.

The weekend of the Falmouth Road Race is widely regarded as one of the best weekends on the Cape all year. We are so excited to have our team hit the pavement and can't wait to cheer them on along the way. If you are able, please consider donating to one of our amazing runners to help us reach our goal, and enable us to help those battling paralysis. Thank you!

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 06 Kathy McCarthy $55.35
Jun 06 Sara Ciaburri Undisclosed amount
Jun 05 Susan Brown $109.85
Jun 05 Ellen Levine God luck! $28.10
Jun 03 Patricia Rockensies Go Kate! $109.85
Jun 03 Crystal Mims Great job, Kate! You are amazing. Undisclosed amount
Jun 03 Shawna Young Go Johnna! $50.00
Jun 03 7 min miles baby!!! $28.10
Jun 03 Kayla Raymond Let’s go!! $22.65
Jun 03 Joe Spadorcia LFG $11.75