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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race



We are The Genesis Foundation for Children and we're on a mission to give patients and their families access to care that’s different. 

But we can’t do it with you.

Families affected by a rare disease or genetic disorder diagnosis often feel lost or frustrated, while also facing financial challenges that prevent their child from receiving the diagnosis, treatment, and coordinated care they need and deserve. Together with Mass General for Children and other specialized, targeted providers, The Genesis Foundation for Children helps thousands of families yearly obtain answers, a path forward, and a little peace of mind.


To provide funding and advocacy for children and families affected by rare diseases and genetic disorders from conception to adulthood.


A world where all children with complex medical needs achieve their full potential.


For over 40 years, we have incorporated a holistic, in-depth approach to rare genetic disorders into all of our clinical, informational and therapeutic programs. We call it The Feingold Model of Coordinated Care, which is a comprehensive method of medical care that treats the whole patient and their family, not just the diagnosis.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 22 Kaitlyn Crowe $273.35
Apr 22 Good luck Arielle! Have a great race :) $28.10
Apr 22 Katy Droumbakis So proud of you! <3 $109.85
Apr 19 Jesse Fowler Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Amy George Blair You are a true inspiration, and I am proud to call you my friend! You go girl! xo $109.85
Apr 18 David Barmak $273.35
Apr 18 Henry Sullivan Go Delaney and TeamGenFound! $273.35
Apr 17 Linda Wyrostek $55.35
Apr 17 Kim V. Marrkand Thank you for helping so many families. $273.35