My Story…
As many of you know, I am a Foster (fail) Adopter, Advocate and Supporter of the @SPCA of Texas. Meet Oliver and Buzz, my most recent foster fails.
As co-chair of the Strut Your Mutt Board Walkers fundraising team, I am requesting your support for the upcoming Race to End Cruelty on April 13th in Fair Park. Please join my team!
Can't make it? Please consider a contribution to help us provide resources and provide a safe and quality home for every animal in our care. Think a few dollars can't make a difference? See what your donation could do:
$10 – Rabies vaccine for one shelter dog or cat
$25 – Dog or cat food for one community pet
$50 – Spay or neuter one small shelter dog or cat
$100 – Spay or neuter one large shelter dog or cat
$500 – One day of care for 16 shelter dogs or cats
$1000 – Cost to shelter one dog or cat with minimal health or behavioral needs
Want to learn more?
The SPCA of Texas is the leading animal welfare organization in North Texas. Founded in 1938, the non-profit operates two shelters, one spay/neuter clinic, one mobile adoptions vehicle, and an animal rescue center, all located in Dallas and Ellis Counties, and maintains a team of animal cruelty investigators who respond to thousands of calls in North Texas counties. Moreover, the SPCA of Texas serves as an active resource center for an array of services that bring people and animals together to enrich each other’s lives. The SPCA of Texas is not affiliated with any other entity and does not receive general operating funds from the City of Dallas, State of Texas, federal government, or any other national humane organization. The SPCA of Texas is dedicated to providing every animal exceptional care and a loving home. To learn more about the SPCA of Texas, visit DONATE WITH CONFIDENCE - Tax ID: 75-1216660
Donate to help Jodi raise money for Strut Your Mutt - Dallas 2024’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Apr 05 | Karen Roscoe | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 05 | Joel Barrett | $107.81 |
Apr 04 | Russ Rockenbach | $150.00 |
Apr 04 | Anonymous | $54.36 |
Apr 04 | Tipping Mineral Management | $268.17 |
Apr 03 | Susan W. | $54.36 |
Apr 03 | Melissa Shahbaz | $27.64 |
Apr 03 | Heather B. | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 02 | Anonymous | $107.81 |
Apr 01 | Julie Buschman | $500.00 |