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Help TaJunaee raise money

For participating in 2024 Brave Step Virtual Walk/Run

My Story…

Hello 👋 I am raising money for the Bravestep organization that supports sexual violence awareness! Next month April 1st -April 8th I will be participating in the walk/run to help other women walk their truth, speak their truth and grow in a positive way. The donations will be donated to help others in so many ways! I myself have received the help from a community, therapy, and other ways as well. I once told a friend you have to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything and as I speak up more and more about the life changing experience I will speak up to help others I can relate to and uplift their spirit by letting them know that they are not alone. So as small as a $5 donation will help support this amazing cause. You can also wear Blue in the month of April as well. It takes a lot of courage to speak up for even the small things let alone life changing things. So I chose the number 711 because 7 is my favorite number but also 711 means being backed up and assisted. Do not be worried or look behind you. In order to move forward in life we must be bold and confident even if it’s scary or uncomfortable and even in this life I currently live. I have an amazing group with this foundation and I’ve felt safe and comfortable with speaking my truth so I would love to give back and hope my friends, family, associates and even strangers support an amazing cause and help another person to continue to move forward in life! 💕 With love Taj 💜

Donate to help TaJunaee raise money for 2024 Brave Step Virtual Walk/Run’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 07 Caliph $9.37
Mar 07 The exotic stop clt $43.45
Mar 07 Anonymous $6.18
Mar 07 Tay Carter Anything for you 😘 I love you & I support you 100% $22.15
Mar 07 Anonymous $50.91