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Help Laura Beth raise money

For participating in The DeAngelo Williams Foundation 53 Strong DeAthlon 2024

My Story…

When I was a little girl, my Grandma Schwab was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was my first brush with The C Word. She fought the disease for a couple of years before we lost her. This loss created a big hole in my life. Twenty years later, in 2015, I got the call from my brother that Hannah, my amazing sister-in-law, had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I felt it was time for me to do whatever I could from half-way across the country to help; it was then that I started my fundraising campaign. Unfortunately, my othter sister-in-law, Amber, has just begun her fight with breast cancer as well. Since 2015, I have been raising money to help fight this disease and I have been donating to The DeAngelo Williams Foundation since 2018. Please help me meet my goal and defend my top fundraiser title!!

Donate to help Laura Beth raise money for The DeAngelo Williams Foundation 53 Strong DeAthlon 2024’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 01 Anonymous Keep up the good work! Undisclosed amount
Aug 01 A. Gonzales Undisclosed amount
Jun 03 Hollins Consulting, Inc. Donation in honor of Lonnie Jo Hawk and Amber Miller. $2,500.00
Apr 23 Laura Miller Donations from Super Bowl Squares and March Madness Squares. $3,728.35