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Help us raise money

For participating in #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run

Our story…

Although this has been a difficult diagnosis to accept and live with, I truly have tried to make lemonade out of lemons. I have full faith in God, the great physician, that he will guide me through. It’s a privilege to now be hosting the third annual color fun run. I look forward to the day that Stage 4 MBC is curable or termed a chronic disease instead of the current prognosis. I have organized this race for not only myself, but all those fighting MBC and with an optimistic goal that future generations as well as all of us are alive to see the cure: I hope you can join me on race day to help cure MBC with colors and love. 



Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is stage 4 breast cancer, for which there is no cure. Globally, more than 685,000 people die each year from MBC, with more than 43,000 dying each year in the U.S. alone (115 per day). Metastatic breast cancer spreads mostly to the bones, liver, lungs, and brain, causing MBC patients to be in treatment for the rest of their lives—with only 31 percent of MBC patients in the U.S. living longer than five years. Approximately 30 percent of early-stage breast cancers recur as stage 4 MBC. While 98 percent of all breast-cancer-related deaths are from MBC, less than 5 percent of overall breast-cancer funding is currently allocated to researching metastatic breast cancer.

METAvivor is the only organization that puts 100 percent of donations toward finding a cure. This is absolutely amazing, and this year METAVivor, through donations and fundraising events such as this, has been able to award over $5.7 million in research grants. We are extremely passionate about raising money for this cause and truly thank you for helping save lives by participating in or fundraising for this event. 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 16 From Karen and Jesse Tara, You are an inspiration to us all. You are in our prayers. ❤️❤️❤️ Karen and Jesse $53.60
Feb 16 Christi Scarpa $27.23
Feb 16 Anonymous So proud of you Tara and inspired 🩷 Undisclosed amount
Feb 15 Jim, lynn and jenna. Sorry we can’t make it this year, best of luck. $53.60
Feb 15 Kristina Fleming $53.60
Feb 14 Jan Trabulsi Tara, I am so proud of you! Keep it up my lil one. Love you always Mom $53.60
Feb 14 Barbara Turi $106.35
Feb 13 Anonymous $53.60
Feb 12 Margaret Chepurko In Loving Memory of Sandra. $53.60
Feb 12 O'Malley Family In memory of a good friend. Sandy suffered a lot with RA during this life and did it with a smile. May she rest in peace in heaven now. $106.35