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Stratford Perth Hospice Foundation

Raise money for Stratford Perth Hospice Foundation

The hospice provides a peaceful, comfortable home with 24 hour specialized palliative care for those living with terminal illness and support for those in their circle. Located in a residential setting behind Greenwood Court (an age-in-place retirement facility) in Stratford, the 8-bed facility is an essential end-of-life care option that did not previously exist in Huron Perth and area prior to its official opening on June 22 2019 after a successful $8.7 million capital campaign. Although located in Stratford, it serves all those in Perth County and area.

While the Ministry of Health covers the direct operation nursing and PSW costs, the aspects of hospice that make it a true home require funds raised by those who understand the magic it provides. Fresh baked cookies, meals made to order, quilts for every bed, video conferencing facilities in every room, pets welcomed and encouraged, no loudspeakers, or bustle of a typical care facility. These are just some of the differences Rotary Hospice offers compared to a medical care facility.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 18 Poppy/Gramma Martindale $25.00
Jun 18 Poppy/Gramma Martindale $25.00
Jun 18 J $54.63
Jun 18 Derek Thiboutot $27.80
Jun 18 Conestoga Meats Undisclosed amount
Jun 18 Rosendale Farms Ltd. $269.32
Jun 18 Mackenzie $22.43
Jun 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 18 Rebecca nivins $27.80
Jun 18 Vetoquinol $54.63