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Give the Gift of Health

Raise money for Give the Gift of Health

This is for racers who want to make a donation in addition to their signup fee or who want to raise money from others, or for people who are not racing but want to support us.

Greater Seacoast Community Health believes in caring for the health and well-being of everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. No one should ever be faced with making the decision of putting food on the table OR going to see the doctor. Yet all too often this is the case.

Your donation will help provide high quality health care and family programs to 15,000 people in our community. The need for access to care continues. Your gift is vital to keeping our community healthy and engaged. Thank you for your support.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 11 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 11 Anonymous $27.48
May 11 Anonymous $27.48
May 11 Anonymous $6.18
May 08 Kimberly Shoen Undisclosed amount
May 07 Joseph Edward Fuller $107.35
Apr 23 Anonymous $5.00
Apr 20 Jordan Otminski Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount