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Friends of DuPont Forest

Raise money for Friends of DuPont Forest


Friends of DuPont Forest campaigns for investment and policies that keep the water clean, the wildlife safe, and the trails awesome!

We CARE for the trails, PROTECT the Forest, and INSPIRE love for our public lands.

We Take CARE of the Trails 

DuPont Forest has one of the best trail systems in the Southeast  and is a favorite among hikers, mountain bikers, equestrians, and summer camps. Since the very beginning, when the State Forest was opened to the public in 2000,  Friends of DuPont was there to help build, protect, and maintain the trails. 

We PROTECT the Forest

Friends of Dupont Forest is a strong advocate for the Forest. You could say we speak for the trees. From water quality, to trails, to public safety, to wildlife, we campaign for policies and investment that protect and conserve the Forest.

We INSPIRE Love for Public Lands

We believe that outdoor education is an important aspect of conserving and protecting DuPont Forest for generations to come.

Join us and be a VOICE for the Forest! 

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 15 Leigh Paschke $27.48
Sep 25 Heidi K Anderson $50.00
Sep 06 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 26 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 11 Lisa Gibson $27.48
Jul 16 LOUIS HOEBEL $27.48
Jul 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 27 Anonymous Undisclosed amount