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Fox Valley United Way and RUSH Copley Foundation

Raise money for Fox Valley United Way and RUSH Copley Foundation

Fox Valley United Way is committed to ensuring that all families in our communities have equitable access to opportunities and resources by investing in positive health, education, and financial outcomes.

The RUSH Copley Foundation serves as the fundraising/philanthropic arm of RUSH Copley Medical Center. The Foundation accepts and optimizes philanthropy to serve as a catalyst for technologies and programs that advance RUSH Copley services, with a particular emphasis on community health by addressing the inequities and breaking down barriers to health.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Feb 23 Rogelio Martinez Rangel Undisclosed amount
Feb 22 Anonymous Love like Molly $107.35
Feb 22 Stacey Ries $54.10
Feb 12 Derek Dudley $54.10