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Help Elias raise money

For participating in Run4Lighthouse 2024

My Story…

In 2012, when I was 5, my little sister Amaya died. I was able to attend Lighthouse and participate in the sibling grief support program for two years. I feel fortunate to have had this opportunity and would like to give back to make sure others have the same opportunity.


Welcome To My Fundraising Page! 

Please consider making a donation to my page to help support Lighthouse for Grieving Children & Families.

Hear from Bruce and Rene-Ann as they share their family’s story of how Lighthouse helped them through their grief journey.

At Lighthouse, You Are Not Alone

Lighthouse offers children, youth, and their families a place to receive free grief support and to connect with others on a similar journey. They need time, space, and understanding as they try to cope with their pain and readjust to a life forever changed. Lighthouse offers a community of understanding at a time when families are at their most vulnerable. 

Lighthouse is 95% self-funded and relies on YOUR donations and sponsorship to ensure services remain accessible for families who need them. Please consider making a donation today.

Thank you, I appreciate your support!

A death in the family changes everything. At Lighthouse, you are not alone.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 23 Uncle Matt Proud of you Elias, and in your corner always. Love yeah, Uncle Matt $104.52
May 23 Alannah Henderson Go Elias!!! $26.13
May 23 Go Elias! Cheering for you Elias! $156.78
May 23 Kris Schwartz Way to go Elias! $522.60
May 23 Sue Murphy Good job Elias! Undisclosed amount
May 22 Emma & Todd Thank you for doing this Elias so more kids can benefit! $26.13
May 21 The Fowlers Cheering you on Elias!! $52.26
May 21 Penny, Dalton and Ruairí Elias you are some man. Good for you and bless your efforts. Sending lots of love xx $104.52
May 21 Todd and Wendy Myers Go Elias! $104.52
May 21 The Turnbull family Go Elias!! $52.26