International Hallers' Run
The International Hallers' Run stands as a symbol of the profound connection between Poland and Canada, rooted in historical alliances and the vibrant Polish community in Canada. This event serves to honor the enduring Polish-Canadian relations and commemorate the significant historical contributions and sacrifices made by Poles and Canadians, especially through the legacy of General Józef Haller and the Blue Army.
General Józef Haller holds a significant place in Polish military history, exemplifying leadership and determination. Leading the Blue Army, which included a substantial number of North American recruits, Haller showcased the international support Poland received during its struggle for independence in the early 20th century. The journey of the Blue Army from training in Canada to combat in Europe under Haller's command illustrates bravery and strategic success, contributing significantly to the liberation of Poland and other parts of Europe.
Haller's legacy extends beyond the military realm, encompassing roles in scouting and political activism, reflecting resilience and solidarity. The International Hallers' Run, under the Patronage of the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Poland and Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, highlights the enduring historical bonds and the Polish diaspora's contribution to Canada's multicultural fabric.
Niagara-on-the-Lake holds historical significance as the starting point for the Blue Army's journey to Europe, symbolizing the deep transatlantic ties between Poland and Canada. The narrative of over 22,000 soldiers traveling from Canada to France to fight for Poland's liberation resonates with themes of sacrifice, unity, and shared values within Polish and Canadian communities.
The International Hallers' Run transcends being merely a sporting event; it serves as a tribute to shared history, a celebration of friendship, and an acknowledgment of the vibrant Polish community in Canada. By commemorating General Józef Haller and the Blue Army's legacy, it fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the cultural and historical ties binding Poland and Canada together.
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Kids Run / Bieg dla dzieci - 1km Closed
Kids under the age of 12 - 1 km
Parents must register their children for this event. T-shirt is not included.
Rodzice są proszeni o zarejestrowanie swoich dzieci. Koszulka nie jest wliczona.
FreeApr. 5 - Jun. 7
Open Run / Otwarty dla wszystkich - 10km Closed
Online registration closed-
Participants under 18 will receive $10 off their registration. Discount applied at checkout. Winner of the 10km run, in the male and female categories, will each receive a ticket to Poland, Sponsored by Polish Airlines - LOT.
Winner needs to be a verified/documented permanent resident/Citizen of Canada (Proof will be required prior to receipt of award).
Uczestnicy poniżej 18 roku życia otrzymają $10 zniżki na rejestrację. Rabat naliczany przy zakupie. Zwycięzca biegu na 10 km, w kategorii kobiet i mężczyzn, otrzyma bilet do Polski ufundowany przez Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT. Zwycięzca musi być zweryfikowanym/udokumentowanym stałym rezydentem/obywatelem Kanady (dowód będzie wymagany przed otrzymaniem nagrody).-
Wczesna cena/Early bird pricing
Apr. 5 – Apr. 25 -
Wczesna cena/Early bird pricing
Apr. 26 – May 12 -
$70.00May 13 – Jun. 7
Family / Rodziny - 5km Closed
Online registration closed-
Families of 4 register for 90-$100 (Early bird pricing available) and additional family members will be $10 each.
Rodziny składające się z 4 osób zarejestrują się za $90-100 (cena wczesna dostępna), a dodatkowi członkowie rodziny zapłacą po $10.-
Wczesna cena/Early bird pricing
Apr. 5 – Apr. 25 -
Wczesna cena/Early bird pricing
Apr. 26 – May 12 -
$100.00May 13 – Jun. 7
Run/Walk / Otwarty dla wszystkich - 5km Closed
Online registration closed-
This walk/ run is for fun and there is no main award.
Participants under 18 will receive $10 off their registration. Discount applied at checkout. Uczestnicy poniżej 18 roku życia otrzymają $10 zniżki na rejestrację. Rabat naliczany przy zakupie. Ten spacer/bieg ma charakter rozrywkowy i nie ma nagrody głównej.-
Wczesna cena/Early bird pricing
Apr. 5 – Apr. 25 -
Wczesna cena/Early bird pricing
Apr. 26 – May 12 -
$70.00May 13 – Jun. 7
What is included with my registration? / Co jest wliczone w mojej rejestracji?
Participants will receive:
- An athletic event t-shirt (Sponsored by KGHM International Ltd.)
- Energy bar
- Finisher Medal (Sponsored by KGHM International Ltd.)
- and more!
Uczestnicy otrzymają:
- Sportową koszulkę (Sponsorowana przez KGHM International Ltd.)
- Baton energetyczny
- Medal (Sponsorowany przez KGHM International Ltd.)
- i wiecej!
Route Map/Mapa Trasy
The race starts near the entrance of the Historic Fort George National Historic Site (East end of Byron St.) and takes you along the beautiful Niagara Parkway Recreational Trail. The race is an out and back format with turnaround points at 2.5 km (for the 5 km race) and 5 km (for the 10 km race)
Wyścig rozpoczyna się w pobliżu wejścia do Fort George National Historic Site (wschodni kraniec ulicy Byron) i prowadzi wzdłuż pięknego Niagara Parkway Recreational Trail . Bieg odbywa się w formacie „tam i z powrotem” z punktami zwrotnymi na dystansie 2,5 km (w przypadku wyścigu na 5 km) i 5 km (w przypadku wyścigu na 10 km).
Event schedule
- Sat., June 8, 2024 7:30 a.m. - Registration & Packet Pickup / Rejestracja
- Sat., June 8, 2024 8:45 a.m. - Warm Up / Rozgrzewka
- Sat., June 8, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 1km Kids Race / Dla dzieci
- Sat., June 8, 2024 9:30 a.m. - 10km Open / Otwarty dla wszystkich
- Sat., June 8, 2024 9:45 a.m. - Family / Bieg dla rodzin + 5km Open (Otwarte dla wszystkich)
- Sat., June 8, 2024 11:00 a.m. - Prizes / Nagrody
- Sat., June 8, 2024 1:00 p.m. - End of event / Koniec wydarzenia
Contact information
- Event contact
- Filip
- Phone
- 416 302 7552