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Help Al raise money

For participating in Step Up for Mental Health

My Story…

Hi. For those of you who are closer to me, know that I lost my best friend and cousin Kelley last year. He left us way too soon, as did my sister 23 years ago. Some families deal with mental health everyday and this charity hits home big time. Please do what you can to help reach my goal of $5000, which I just changed due to an outpouring of support recently.  I will be in the 5k run and pledge to do the best I can.  I would greatly appreciate if you could do anything in your means to help me support this cause, which I hold close to my heart everyday.

Donate to help Al raise money for Step Up for Mental Health’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 31 Kevin Vany CA$54.55
Aug 31 Shelley & Dave Smith This is a great thing your doing Al, this hits home with most every family 💥🌮🌮 CA$268.98
Aug 30 Anonymous This is an important cause, good on you CA$54.55
Aug 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 29 Diane Woytiuk Thanks so much Al for stepping up to raise money for Mental Health. In memory of Monica and Kelley. CA$54.55
Aug 29 Groenenboom CA$108.16
Aug 28 Doug and Lynn Important to us too❤️ CA$50.00
Aug 28 Denise Bahrey I’m so proud to be part of this cause! CA$50.00