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Indigenous Women Outdoors

Raise money for Indigenous Women Outdoors

Indigenous Women Outdoors 


To ignite a spirit of empowerment, resilience, and connection among Indigenous women* by providing them with the opportunity to explore and excel in outdoor sport activities. We believe that when Indigenous women* embrace the natural world as a source of inspiration and connection, they can tap into their inherent strength and cultural wisdom to learn more about themselves and embark on paths to healthier, more enriching lives. 

As we age, embracing new outdoor activities not only brings joy but also vitalizes our well-being, keeping us active, engaged, and connected to nature. Together, we empower Indigenous women* to break barriers and redefine what's possible through outdoor adventures, fostering belonging, respect, and empowerment in our communities.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount