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Help Marcella raise money

For participating in WalkUnitedLA

My Story…

In High School, I knew what it was like to be in a position where "home" was questionable. After living in a hotel for a couple of weeks, My family and I lived in someone's garage (and it wasn't a renovated one) for about 6 months...we made a spot in between dry wall, in between the owner's belongings. There was very little lighting, no restroom....and so I considered myself lucky because there are thousands of people that have it way worse....I have been blessed and because of this I never fail on opportunities to give back and/or pay it forward. I remember those Angels that have guided me in better directions....and I hope you have been blessed too.

Donate to help Marcella raise money for WalkUnitedLA’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 12 Marcella Garcia Undisclosed amount