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Friends of Palisades Kepler State Park

Raise money for Friends of Palisades Kepler State Park

The Friends of Palisades-Kepler State Park is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was formed in 2018 with a mission of bringing volunteer and monetary support to the park. The Friends work directly with the park ranger on projects to preserve and maintain the park. The Friends also organize free events at the park throughout the year such as educational events with Raptology, a nature photography class, Qigong in the park, and volunteer opportunities at the park throughout the year.

Donations made to Pals for the Park: Fun Run 5k on the Farm will support numerous projects for 2024, noted below! These projects would not be possible without generous donations from our supporters, like you. Thank you for supporting Friends of Palisades-Kepler State Park!



Replace Fire Pits ($284 x 6) 


Replace Grills ($311 x 4)


Overlook Trail Railing Repair


Educational Speakers


Total Estimated Projects


The Friends of Palisades-Kepler State Park is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was formed in 2018 with a mission of raising funds for park safety and improvement. The Friends work directly with the park ranger on projects and put funds immediately to use for park improvement and safety.

In 2024, our projects include: procurement & installation of new fire rings throughout the park, procurement & installation of new grills throughout the park, general trail repair & maintenance, as well as reserving educational specialists to host public events at the park.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 09 Amy Mohr $27.48
Mar 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount