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Colorado Gynecologic Cancer Alliance

Raise money for Colorado Gynecologic Cancer Alliance

The mission of the Colorado Gynecologic Cancer Alliance (formerly the Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance) is to provide support to those affected by gynecologic cancer, and to promote awareness and early detection of gyn cancer through advocacy and education. 

We work to: 

  • create and promote resources that provide support, encourage networking, and provide information to those diagnosed with gynecologic cancer;
  • unite and educate individuals, the medical community, and organizations to overcome gynecologic cancer;
  • increase awareness of symptoms and risk factors of all gynecologic cancers in the general population.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 07 Cheryl Blankemeier $26.00
Jul 02 Carol Hewett $20.00
Jun 29 Barbara wallace Undisclosed amount
Jun 18 CU Cancer Center $1,500.00
Jun 01 Christine DeRose I am a two year survivor and want to help in any way I can $104.00
May 05 Julie Hunter $104.00
Apr 19 Frances Fontana $26.00
Apr 19 gay niermann In memory of my best friend, Susan Stearns. Great friend. Lousy golfer! $52.00
Apr 17 Laurie Abelman $52.00