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Sammys Run

Raise money for Sammys Run

Our mission is to raise awareness of people with disabilities and to raise funds to purchase sports equipment for challenged athletes. We present the equipment the day of the event. This year, the recipient of the bike wheelchair is Sammy's genetic cousin Bella Walter (daughter of Matt and Crystal Walter). Please help us reach our goal. 
Here is Bella and the wheelchair bike she will receive!



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Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 23 Anonymous Happy 30th Birthday Sammy! We love you! Love from Andrew, Megan, Olivia & Jack Toole xoxo $300.00
May 23 Denise Croden Sammy sharing his love of the running bike with Bella…have a great day!!! 💚❤️ $54.10
May 23 Deb Myslo Undisclosed amount
May 22 Katy Phelan $107.35
May 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 22 Team Matt Undisclosed amount
May 21 Anonymous $27.48
May 21 Anonymous $27.48
May 21 Wayne & Marty Bender So happy to support Sammy’s Run!!! $54.10
May 21 Anonymous Bless all of Gods' Angels! Undisclosed amount